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/ Tech Arsenal 1 / Tech Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).ISO / tek-05 / seemail1.zip / SMI1A0H.LD < prev    next >
Text File  |  1992-04-18  |  5KB  |  51 lines

  1. prpt_txt(1,4,23,78,15,2," ««« Select Archive Type »»» ",[" Choose files to be archived"," archive All files in folder"])
  2. prpt_txt(2,5,25,78,15,1," ««« Setup Mail »»» ",[" add new User "," create new mail System "," change mail system Password "," change existing user Details "," Remove a user "])
  3. prpt_txt(3,13,45,78,15,2," ««« Add New User? »»» ",[" Yes "," No "])
  4. prpt_txt(4,4,45,78,15,2," ««« Add Mail System? »»» ",[" Yes "," No "])
  5. prpt_txt(5,13,45,78,15,2," ««« Update password? »»» ",[" Yes "," No "])
  6. prpt_txt(6,13,45,78,15,2," ««« Delete from this mail system? »»» ",[" Yes "," No "])
  7. prpt_txt(7,13,45,78,15,2," ««« Write new details? »»» ",[" Yes "," No "])
  8. prpt_txt(8,5,25,55,15,12,"Enter your full name: ",[""])
  9. prpt_txt(9,7,25,55,15,12,"Confirm your surname: ",[""])
  10. prpt_txt(10,9,25,55,15,12,"Department/Company: ",[""])
  11. prpt_txt(11,11,25,55,15,12,"Telephone: ",[""])
  12. prpt_txt(12,7,25,31,15,12,"Enter mail system ID letter: ",["A"])
  13. prpt_txt(13,0,2,20,20,60," ««« Setup Internal Mail »»» ",[])
  14. prpt_txt(16,0,0,0,0,0," your ",[])
  15. prpt_txt(17,9,25,31,15,12,"Enter mail system priority: ",[""])
  16. prpt_txt(18,11,25,53,15,12,"Enter system description: ",["General"])
  17. prpt_txt(19,10,25,55,15,12,"Minutes between each auto poll: ",["30"])
  18. prpt_txt(22,10,15,55,15,12,"Enter move destination: ",[""])
  19. prpt_txt(23,10,15,55,15,12,"Enter copy destination: ",[""])
  20. prpt_txt(24,10,15,55,15,12,"Enter new name: ",[""])
  21. prpt_txt(28,6,28,78,15,1," ««« Select Action »»» ",[" Move to directory "," Copy to directory "," Delete file(s) "," Rename file(s) "])
  22. prpt_txt(29,3,25,78,15,1," ««« Select Action »»» ",[" View INCOMING attachments "," Add attachment to mail "])
  23. prpt_txt(40,7,23,78,15,1," ««« Main Menu Mode »»» ",[" enable Advanced program features "," show Standard features only"])
  24. prpt_txt(41,0,0,0,0,0,"\n Quit program and restart",[])
  25. prpt_txt(42,3,23,78,15,1," ««« Screen Options »»» ",[" Screen mode"," Keyboard"," Top menu line"," Pulldown menu "," Editor"," Curtain lines"," menu Frame"," mail Lists"," popup Menus"," mail Default"," mailBox"," Help"])
  26. prpt_txt(43,0,0,0,0,0,"\n Save; quit; restart program.",[])
  27. prpt_txt(46,0,0,0,0,0," «««  New Paper Mail  »»»",[])
  28. prpt_txt(47,6,57,78,15,1," ««« Select Action »»» ",[" Move mail to a folder "," Leave mail in drafts folder "," Delete draft "," Review mail item "])
  29. prpt_txt(56,0,2,10,1,10," Review Mail List, Press Esc / F10 when done. ",[])
  30. prpt_txt(57,9,5,73,15,12," Enter List Heading: ",["My Mail List"])
  31. prpt_txt(61,0,0,0,0,0," ««« Specify first file »»» ",[])
  32. prpt_txt(62,0,0,0,0,0," ««« Specify Append file »»» ",[])
  33. prpt_txt(63,10,25,55,15,12,"Enter new Data bank Name: ",["NEWDBF"])
  34. prpt_txt(64,4,23,78,15,1," ««« Folder Defaults »»» ",[" directories for See Mail"," directories for Lotus Express"," specify Other defaults"," location for shared Data bank"," set archive to pkZIP"," set archive to pkARC"])
  35. prpt_txt(69,0,0,78,15,1,"",[" item of Mail"," other Text file"," Specify file name"])
  36. prpt_txt(83,7,35,78,15,1," ««« Choose Action »»» ",[" No paste needed "," Use screen paste facility "])
  37. prpt_txt(90,0,0,0,0,0," PASTE: \27\24\25\26 = Resize area, <Shift> & \27\24\25\26 = move area, <F10> = Select.",[])
  38. prpt_txt(96,7,35,78,15,1," ««« Search Type »»» ",[" Lookup address "," lookup by Action date "," search through Notes "," search through Other "])
  39. prpt_txt(97,4,23,78,15,1," ««« Select Date Range »»» ",[" items for Today only"," items from current Month"," Enter date required"," Select ANY date"])
  40. prpt_txt(98,7,35,78,15,2," ««« Confirm delete of ",[" Yes "," No "])
  41. prpt_txt(99,5,32,78,15,1," ««« Type of Access »»» ",[" send And receive Mail "," Send mail only "])
  42. prpt_txt(100,7,14,37,15,12,"Enter MCI Mail Login      : ",[""])
  43. prpt_txt(101,9,14,37,15,12,"Enter Password (optional) : ",[""])
  44. prpt_txt(102,5,20,78,15,2," ««« MNP compression support »»» ",[" Modem Supports MNP transfers "," use software MNP support "])
  45. prpt_txt(103,4,18,78,15,1," ««« Cabinet maintenance »»» ",[" Create new drawer "," Delete existing drawer "," Assign folder(s) to drawer "," create new Folder "," delete an Old folder "," Save file cabinet to disk "])
  46. prpt_txt(104,2,15,55,15,12,"Enter New Drawer: ",[""])
  47. prpt_txt(105,0,0,0,0,0," Esc = Quit, \24 \25 choose next, Enter (\17┘) = Select/Unselect, F10 = ACTION",[])
  48. prpt_txt(106,0,0,0,0,0,"««« Folders for drawer »»»",[])
  49. prpt_txt(107,0,0,0,0,0,"««« Select Cabinet Drawer »»»",[])
  50. prpt_txt(108,10,25,55,15,12,"Enter New Folder Name: ",["NEWFLD"])
  51. prpt_txt(119,6,25,78,15,2,"««« Keyboard define »»»",[" Load keyboard map"," Edit keyboard map"," Save keyboard map"," Reset to default map "," Help"])